2 min readDec 16, 2020


We never know when the day will come, that we will get that inevitable phone call about a lost loved one.

My great grandmother passed away last night, and spoken best by my mother, “She was the closest thing to an angel that I’d ever known.” She was an amazing woman who lived a long life, and built a huge family. She got to see her children grow, their children grow, her “great” grandchildren grow, and she even got to meet some of her “great great” grandchildren. Although this introduction was small, it was in no comparison to the mark she left on this earth.

Everyone deals with grief in their own way. Truly, there is no right or wrong way to go about it. But, grief of all kinds is such an interesting thing. There is nothing else on this planet that can compare to the way grieving will change a person for the rest of their life. Think about happiness in comparison…happiness is a short ride at an amusement park or a lost balloon in the sky. You just know it’s going to fall eventually, then we forget about it as quickly as it showed up.

Grief on the other hand is something that people never get over…even if they think they have. Like a break-up, you may get over that person, you may recover from physical, or financial damage, but you will forever more carry the memory of those red flags with you. And, the next time you are interested in a relationship with someone… you damn sure are checking off those boxes before moving forward in the interview process. In this case, grief has molded you for the better. Because of what we learned, we can expect a better outcome in future relationships. We also have the understanding of how to survive if we are ever left heartbroken again.

Once we start to understand that grief is the best teacher, we can become appreciative of the lessons we have, and the lessons we will learn. That way, when darkness comes pounding on the door without even so much as a text warning its arrival, we will be prepared. Get used to the fact that life won’t always be sweet, and that shit’s going to hit the fan every once in a while. However, you can take advantage of the time you spend covered in the clay and let it mold you into the person that you want to become.

To my Great Grandmother, I love you and will miss you dearly. And, to my family…save your fork, the best is yet to come.

Long Live the Angels

